Rahvaalgatus.ee – Impact of Rahvaalgatus.ee

…RESEARCH PAPERS ABOUT RAHVAALGATUS.EE (updating) Saar, M-L., Pekonen,O., Olesk, M., Hiilamo,H.(2024). Citizens’ initiatives in Finland and Estonia. Sitra, 2024.https://www.sitra.fi/en/publications/citizens-initiatives-in-finland-and-estonia/ Estonian Cooperation Assembly Imact report 2023 (in estonian only) https://kogu.ee/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/Tegevus-ja-mojuaruanne-2023.pdf Estonian…

People’s Assembly

…problems in political legitimacy. Case description of deliberative process” (pdf), Praxis Centre for Policy Research, 2014 Estonia set up an online ‘People’s Assembly’ to make proposals for government reform –…