Dive into the future of democracy with a captivating discussion from Open Gov Week 2024, “Democratic Innovations in Estonia and Finland: Citizens’ Initiatives and Citizens’ Assemblies.” This session brought together experts to explore how innovative democratic practices are shaping Estonia and Finland. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from the pioneers of democratic innovation. Watch the full recording now!

What You’ll Learn:
Lessons from the Past Decade: Discover how citizen initiatives and assemblies have evolved in Finland and Estonia.
Current Challenges: Understand the hurdles these innovations face today and strategies to overcome them.
Future Visions: Get inspired by future possibilities for a more inclusive and participatory democracy.
The event underscored the need for continuous evolution in citizen participation to foster a robust democratic landscape in Northern Europe. Audience engagement was facilitated through social media interactions.

Featured Experts:
Onni Pekonen is a specialist on democracy and participation at the Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra. He is a developer and researcher specializing in the institutions, practices, and history of democracy and public governance.
Teele Pehk is a social change consultant at the DD Center for Democracy and practitioner of  deliberative democracy. She has been involved in opening up governance on state and local level for over 15 years.
Maarja-Leena Saar is an expert at the Estonian Cooperation Assembly. She has been actively involved in shaping the open digital society since 2015, working on topics such as participatory democracy and open data
Moderated by: Bart Cosijn is the founder and CEO of the Estonian Dialogue Academy. He has been a professional moderator and facilitator for over 15 years. He is specialized in citizens participation and has been leading many participatory processes, including citizens assemblies. 

Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from the pioneers of democratic innovation. Watch the full recording now!

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